Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 7-Summary

Lecture 7
Political Possibilities
Political battles are going on to do with the digital divide.
Cyber politics is concerned with democratic consequences if people cant access the machinery to be involved in accessing the internet.
Traditional politics-good example is Obamas campaign.
Politics also comes into the area of the internet when satire is published online.
The difference between scientific opinion pol and a voluntary pol.
Gaps in the mass media
Increasing concentration, centralisation and commercialisation of the mass media appear to have foreclosed avenues for democratic participation in currently existing representative democracy.
· The internet is providing a lot more opportunities to send our opinion out, this is a shift in the way politics is changing. There will be a lot more alliances forming into wider groups about opinions, this will create a new form of politics.
· The question of what skills a person should have, has been a political issue on the net.
· Active citizens are going to need to know how to find information on the net in order to create political opinion.
Citizen Hacker-Doing Global democracy
Using the skills for citizens of the future.
· The internet can be used to engage in local politics. The computer plays a large role in political issues.
If people are keen to adapt to technologies positive politics can be made on new technologies in general.
1. Technology and mythologyIncluding Greek societies
2. Utopia and Dystopia
Some of the most powerful myths for and against technology have been intertwined with utopian wiring.
3. Cities as MachinesThe city is a machine for living
4. Technological change
The shift between the first media age and the next.
5. Modernism to PostmodernismSet of ideas about each of them
New communications are great however it’s become very materialistic and there are key spots that are monitored by switches.
This is a large part of the political side of things on the internet.

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