Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 3 summary

Today we covered...


Virtual community: When people carry on public discussions to form webs of personal relationships2.

Individual identity: Experimenting by constructing and reconstructing the self- we self-fashion and self-create.

Communications over the internet was centred on shared interests in the early days (early 90’s) however this has changed to an ego-centric social network (you become the common interest, the common thread- become networked individuals)

The way people present themselves online was covered, and the idea of the ego centric social network. The focus has moved away from groups of people with common interests to a much more self involved social area.

Web 2.0- A new era in the web’s history (thinking in a new way) The term "Web 2.0" is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive information sharing, folksonomy, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Features include:

When technology (such as web 2.0) is used in a social and cultural context= social media e.g. - web blogs, social networking websites, content sharing communities.

Attention economy- advertising on certain websites (such as facebook) and what websites do to keep you browsing their page (facebook uses certain advertisements coinciding with people’s personal information) If there is a social media, where is the anti-social media (negative relationships, being connected to the people you dislike etc.)

Social media covers thinsg such asmicroblogs, we watched a good video on "Twitter" which demonstrated the trivial stuff we talk about on these sites.

The big question was then asked..

What role do we play on social media? Are you consumers or creators?

Today i learnt about new media, understanding the concepts of virtual community/individual identity Internet studies and understanding the idea of social media.

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