Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 4-Summary

Lecture Summary – Day 4
Today we covered community, collaboration and choice. We covered the themes of free culture and free society.
Copyright – what is it?
It is the legal protection of our work. It was brought in to help people keep their work unique to themselves and make sure others cannot steal it and publish it as their own.
The big idea came up that culture is not a crime!..He didn’t like that copyrights stops us from sharing things.
Creative commons
Wants to create legal copyright, relaxed copyright-changing things from “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved”
Where did the philosophy of creative commons come from?
Part 2
Free/Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS)
How software worksSource code, which is the instructions written in programming languages.
Sharing open source code can be understood in terms of something similar to sharing recipes with your friends!
The man who started the free software foundation in 1981 was Richard M Stallman.
Freedom 0, 1, 2 and 3.
To enforce the four freedoms of free software Richard Stallman created the GNU Public Licence.
Open Source-What about it?
Attempt to push free software.
Proprietary VS Open Source
Proprietary software includes Vista, Internet explorer. Open Source is programs like Firefox.
Today’s lecture introduced GNU, which is an operating system that we can use instead of windows.

To summarise-
Community-people who want to share and do better things
Collaboration-working together
Choice-choosing between proprietary software and open source

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