Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 8 Blog

1. This is How you will die

How does it make you feel?
This particular one was very sinister!..it is set up with a "deatch spin" which you click in order to find out your fate. When i clicked it it told me i would live to 97, and my ex lover would steal my mothers fur coat, not sure how its possible for my mother to be alive when im 97!...very strange little game!..in all made me feel confused and disturbed!

What does it makes you think about?
Life and weather we hit a "death spin" button everytime we make a decision, that chooses a different path for our life to take.

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?
He has expaned the definition of poerty, by presenting it in differnt ways, using technology, sound and visual media.

If we accept that Jason's worksre poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?
This particular one can be read the same as standard poetry as there is a lot of text used to explain this piece.

2. Poem Cube

How does it make you feel?

Intrigued, i want to keep scrolling to see what is says.

What does it makes you think about?

random sentences that get put together to make some kind aof a story. It makes me think about writing something similar as i liek this style of writing.

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?

It uses visual aspects to display the content. It is similar to credits at the end of a film as the content scrolls down the screen.

If we accept that Jason's worksre poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?

This one is also very similar to regular poetry as it can be read online just liek other forms of poetry.

3.Pandemic Rooms

How does it make you feel?

This one was my favourite, it made me feel uneasy, scared, on edge and interested!

What does it makes you think about?

Being captivated or kidnapped and being kept in a dark room, unable to get out, or catching a disese and not being able to have contact with others.

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?

This piece is all 3d and acts like a movie. The message in this one is shown throight the various rooms you can view based on emotions. For example if u press "Panic" it shows the camer angle of running through hall ways. Very similar to watching a movie.

If we accept that Jason's worksre poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?

A lot of the messages are displayed visually, there is some writing to explain the scene however most of the content we gather through watching and interpreting what we see. I foudn this an excellent way to show poetry as it has a greater affect on ones emotions triggering fear throigh the visual content.

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